Posted July 28, 2020

Hydraulic-driven positive-displacement sludge pump

Gorman-Rupp introduces the SludgeKat hydraulic-driven pump designed to handle heavy sludges and slurries.

The SludgeKat pump has 4-inch suction and discharge ports and offers pump flows of up to 226 gpm and heads to 390 feet TDH.

Gorman-Rupp SludgeKat pump
The SludgeKat pump has 4-inch suction and discharge ports and offers pump flows of up to 226 gpm and heads to 390 feet TDH.

Depending on the product being pumped, SludgeKat can pass up to 2.4-inch diameter solids without damaging or clogging the pump. Units are equipped with the latest Tier IV diesel engine-driven technology and comes standard with a DOT–approved wheel kit.