Posted August 21, 2019

Infrared radiant heater

The SunFire 150 uses state-of-the-art infrared radiant technology to produce 150,000 BTUs of instant portable heat for any indoor/outdoor application.

Unlike traditional heaters that use a 2-step heat transfer process, the SunFire will warm people, equipment and objects directly through infrared waves of heat that are completely unaffected by wind, making it the perfect choice for outdoor heating requirements during inclement weather.

Sunfire 150 radiant heater
Just one Sunfire 150 infrared unit has the power to heat at least 3,500 square feet and comes ready for thermostat use

Although it burns diesel fuel and needs a 120V power source, the SunFire does not have an engine and is quiet, odorless, and smokeless with emissions so low they fall well below OSHA standards for indoor emissions.

Just one unit has the power to heat at least 3,500 square feet and comes ready for thermostat use.